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PERSONAL INJURY I BUS ACCIDENT I COMMON CARRIER – Were You Injured in a Bus Accident or Sustained Injuries as a result of Public Transit?
November 05, 2020
A bus or public transit is considered a common carrier in the eyes of United States law. Common carrier liability refers to the kind of liability that the owner of a taxi, bus, ship, commercial airplane or passenger train has in the event of an accident. The standard care requires that the carrier operate with a heightened duty of care when transporting passengers.
In California this heightened duty is explained in California Civil Jury Instruction “CACI: 902. Duty of Common Carrier” which states:
“Common carriers must carry passengers [or property] safely. Common carriers must use the highest care and the vigilance of a very cautious person. They must do all that human care, vigilance, and foresight reasonably can do under the circumstances to avoid harm to passengers [or property].
While a common carrier does not guarantee the safety of its passengers [or property that it transports], it must use reasonable skill to provide everything necessary for safe transportation, in view of the transportation used and the practical operation of the business.”
This elevated standard of care is based on the recognition that buses, commercial planes, public transit, trains, etc… have the privilege of serving consumers and the public. With this privilege comes great responsibility requiring a heightened duty of care.
While most trips taken on public buses, school buses and public transit are successful without incident, if an accident does occur the injuries can be devastating. In the event you or a loved has sustained injuries as a result of a bus accident or public transit injury, it is imperative that you retain a skilled bus accident attorney to help you secure just compensation for your bodily injury damages.
A Skilled Bus Accident Attorney Will Hold all Necessary Parties Responsible
A skilled bus accident attorney will not only help a bus accident victim secure compensation, but an accident lawyer will hold liable all responsible parties. Often times following a bus accident an investigation will show that liability rests not only on the bus driver or owner, rather others parties including the bus maintenance company, the bus manufacture, public transit employees, government agencies and entities themselves may be responsible of the sustained personal injuries.
Common Bus Accident Incidents:
When a bus accident occurs, injured parties often include: bus passengers, the bus driver, pedestrians and individuals in the other vehicles involved in the bus accident. Common bus accidents which give rise to personal injury claims include:
While a majority of bus accidents occur during transit, it is common to have bus accident injuries once a bus has reached a destination. Common bus accident injuries that may occur once the carrier has come to a stop includes:
Common Bus Accident Bodily Injuries:
Victims of bus accidents often struggle with the following personal injuries:
Other Public Transit blogs are included below:
For more blogs discussing Auto Collisions and other Accidents giving rise to a Personal Injury Claim see the links below:
Contact Us if you or a loved one suffered personal injures as a result of a Bus Accident or while utilizing Public Transit
If you were involved in a bus accident or have any questions about your personal injury case, call us today at 619-432-5145 for a free consultation with one of our experienced Personal Injury Lawyers and Contingency Attorneys.