AMAZON PRODUCT I BURN CASES I BURN FROM FIRE I PRODUCT LIABILITY I CASE STUDY: Amazon Product Burn – Customer Sustains Burn From Fire Coming out of a Defective Amazon Blow Dryer

AMAZON PRODUCT I BURN CASES I FIRE BURN I PRODUCT LIABILITY I CASE STUDY: Amazon Product Burn – Customer Sustains Fire Burn from Defective Amazon Blow Dryer

June 08, 2021

Blow Dryer Burn – Fire Burn

Amazon Product Burn Case: Amazon Sold its Customer a defective blow dryer, and the Customer sustained a Fire Burn from the defective product

In February 2018 an Amazon customer purchased a hair dryer from Amazon and instead of blowing out hot air, the defective product was shooting out smoke and fire. The South Carolina women sustained a product burn, specifically to her hand. In this instance in lieu of operating as a hair dryer, the amazon product became a blowtorch ultimately making the product unsafe and unfit for the ordinary purpose of the product.

Product Liability: Implied warranty; Merchantability; Usage of Trade

Every state has its own set of laws and regulations as it relates to product liability and implied product warranties.  Despite having their own set of laws, states are generally in consensus that products sold to the public must be fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used.  In this burn case the injured consumer was a resident of South Carolina. South Carolina has adopted the Uniform Commercial Code for purposes of product sales, in which each product sold comes with an implied warranty of merchantability.

Implied Warranty: “(1) … a warranty that the goods shall be merchantable is implied in a contract for their sale if the seller is a merchant with respect to goods of that kind. … (2) Goods to be merchantable must be at least such as (c) are fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used …” – S.C. Code Ann. § 36-2-314

Burn Case – Product Liability

In this underlying burn case, the injured consumer did not file a product liability claim; however, she may have entered a confidential settlement with Amazon and the hair dryer manufacturer prior to filing and outside of the judicial system.

In personal injury claims burns are a common.  More specifically, burn injuries are found in product liability cases when a cause of action arises from use of a defective product. In this case the customer sustained a burn from fire when using an Amazon product.

Burn Injuries

In product liability cases and burn cases, an injured consumer can seek compensatory damages for all types of burn injuries. Common types of burn cases result from:

  • Heat, Thermal or Fire Burns: These types of burns result from flames, fire, steam, and hot liquids coming in contact with skin, hair and the body.
  • Electrical Burns: This type of burn results from electricity coming from an appliance or lightning of sorts.
  • Chemical Burns or Caustic Burns: These burns can be internal or external and result when certain chemical whether in solid, gas or liquid form comes in contact with your skin or body. These chemical burns are most often caused by either strong acids or strong bases generally found in bleach, cleaning products, concrete mix, metal cleaners, ammonia, car battery accident and whitening products. This is a burn case study on an internal caustic burn in which a casino customer drank an odorless and colorless cleaning product out of a bottle label “purified drinking water”.
  • Friction Burn: These burns happen when skin is scraped across a hard surface often in personal injury matters we see friction burn injures in premises liability cases, slip and fall matter, motorcycle accidents and bicycle injuries.

For more articles discussing product liability and Amazon product cases please see the links below:

There are two types of product liability claims.  The distinction between strict product liability claims versus negligent product liability claims are discussed in the articles linked below:

Additional articles discussing compensatory damages in personal injury actions, including negligence, premises liability and product liability cases are linked below:

Our other articles discussing chemical burn cases are linked below:

Amazon Product Attorney – Product Burn Lawyer

If you or someone you know has been injured by an Amazon product or sustained a burn from a product, we invite you to call us today at 619-432-5145 for a free consultation with one of our experienced product liability attorneys and California burn lawyers.

    Diana Legal