PERSONAL INJURY I PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY I GOVERNMENT CLAIMS – Can I Hold a Government Entity Liable for Personal Injury Claims?

PERSONAL INJURY I PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY I GOVERNMENT CLAIMS – Can I Hold a Government Entity Liable for Personal Injury Claims? October 21, 2020   If you sustained a personal injury as a result of a dangerous condition on property owned, operated or under the control of a government agency,…

PERSONAL INJURY I SLIP AND FALL – $21,500,000 Settlement In Favor of Plaintiff whom Claimed Track Work Created Tripping Hazard

PERSONAL INJURY I SLIP AND FALL – $21,500,000 Settlement In Favor of Plaintiff whom Claimed Track Work Created Tripping Hazard October 04, 2019 Landowners or occupiers of a premise must act reasonably when maintaining their property in a reasonably safe condition in view of all circumstances, including the likelihood of…

PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY I SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – Sidewalk Falls and Roadway Falls increasing in San Diego

PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY I SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – Sidewalk Falls and Roadway Falls increasing in San Diego October 2, 2019 Public entities have an obligation to inspect roadways and sidewalks for dangerous conditions. Specifically Government Code Section 835.2(b)(1)requires that a public entity utilize “due care” by adopting…

    Diana Legal