CORPORATE LAW I BUSINESS FRAUD I CORPORATE FRAUD – What is Corporate fraud? What is Business fraud?

CORPORATE LAW / BUSINESS FRAUD / CORPORATE FRAUD – What is Corporate fraud?  What is Business fraud?   May 15, 2019 Corporate fraud / Business fraud consist of illegal or dishonest acts committed by individuals or a business entity, which is designed to give an advantage to the perpetrating party,…

CORPORATE LAW – Corporations Claiming Personhood and Fiduciary Duties

CORPORATE LAW – Corporations Claiming Personhood and Fiduciary Duties April 12, 2019   After 2 weeks away from teaching (spring break and a federal trial in Philadelphia), I was finally back in the classroom last night and had the pleasure of discussing the 2003 documentary “The Corporation” with my class….

CORPORATE LAW – Sale and Use Tax on Remote Retailors with Sale over $500k

CORPORATE LAW – Sale and Use Tax on Remote Retailors with Sale over $500k March 12, 2019 Assembly Bill 147 has been introduced by two California lawmakers, in response to the US Supreme Court’s June decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., 138 S. Ct. 2080 (2018). In this landmark case…

    Diana Legal