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FALSE ADVERTISING I FRAUD I ENDORSEMENT I SOCIAL MEDIA FRAUD – Social Media Influencers found Liable for False Advertising and Endorsement Fraud July 02, 2021 False Advertising in Social Media Social media is a major platform for marketing and advertisements and often is a lucrative line of revenue for influencers. However,…
UNFAIR PRACTICES ACT I UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW I ANTITRUST LAWS I BUSINESS FRAUD I CORPORATE FRAUD I CALIFORNIA UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW – Producers Engaged in Price Fixing Drive out Competition in Violation of California Unfair Practices Act and Unfair Competition Laws June 24, 2021 Unfair Practices Act and Unfair Competition…
ANTITRUST LAWS I BUSINESS FRAUD I CORPORATE FRAUD I BUSINESS AND ANTITRUST I PREDATORY PRICING – Antitrust Laws and Potential Liability for Predatory Pricing June 18, 2021 Antitrust laws per the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) include protection against predatory pricing or below cost pricing. As part of the FTC’s mission…