TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury – 3 Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury – 3 Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

July 03, 2019

Traumatic brain injury also knows as TBI usually results from an external and violent blow or jolt to the head, causing a complex injury to the brain.  The majority of all reported traumatic brain injuries result from an automobile accident. In these instances where a TBI is sustained, brain tissue is damaged by direct penetration, swelling or a lack of oxygen.  The most serious traumatic brain injuries result in long-term complications or death.

There are 3 types of traumatic brain injuries:

  1. Closed Head Injuries: This is the most common of traumatic brain injuries, especially in automobile accidents. A closed head TBIcan result in the brain twisting, colliding and/or bounding within the cranial cavity due to rapid head movement and can cause contusions (bruising), internal bleeding, or damage to the nerve fibers. Such a traumatic brain injury can occur during an automobile accident when the skull strikes, an object such as a steering wheel, headrest or windshield.  When a moving head strikes a stationary object such as the headrest or steering wheel, the head may come to a quick stop, however, the brain continues its movement striking the interior of the skull which may bruise the brain tissue and/or cause bleeding/brain hemorrhage, neither of which is visible at the time of the automobile crash.
  2. Open Wound (Penetrating) Injuries.These types of brain injuries are less frequent but can occur simultaneously with closed head injuries. These types of injuries, which can result from penetrating traumatic events such as stabbings, gunshot wounds, or even extreme sporting accidents, risk exposure of the brain through skull breakage. Such a traumatic brain injury can occur during an automobile accident, when a moving head strikes a stationary object such as the headrest or steering wheel, and a piece of skull penetrates the brain tissue.
  3. Crushing Injuries.These types of injuries result when the skull and brain are compressed between to hard objects. Damage to the base of the skull, cervical spine, and/or brain stem commonly occur from these types of TBI. Such a traumatic brain injury can occur during an automobile accident, when a head is caught between two hard objects.

If you or someone you know sustained a head injury or TBI caused by truck and auto collisions, general industrial accidents, serious falls, ceiling and building collapses, machine malfunctions, and transportation accidents we invite you to call us today at 619-432-5145 for a free consultation with one of our experienced San Diego Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys.

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