BRAIN BLEED I FALL RISK I PANDA EYES I WRONGFUL DEATH I CASE STUDY – Fall Risk Patient Sustains a Brain Bleed and Panada Eyes at Rehabilitation Facility

BRAIN BLEED I FALL RISK I PANDA EYES I WRONGFUL DEATH I CASE STUDY – Fall Risk Patient Sustains a Brain Bleed and Panada Eyes at Rehabilitation Facility February 16, 2022 By: Diana Adjadj, Esq. Brain Bleed following incorrect fall risk assessment gives rise to a wrongful death claim at…

ELDER ABUSE I FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I SENIOR ABUSE – Elder Abuse Definition. What is Elder Abuse?

ELDER ABUSE I FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I SENIOR ABUSE – Elder Abuse Definition. What is Elder Abuse? By: Diana Adjadj, Esq. January 29, 2021 Elder Abuse is defined as an intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult. Most often…

SENIOR ABUSE I FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I WRONGFUL DEATH I CASE STUDY – Nursing Home Patient Suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia Wanders off and Dies from Impact follow a Truck Accident; VERDICT: $1.48 Million

SENIOR ABUSE I ELDER ABUSE I FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I WRONGFUL DEATH I CASE STUDY – Nursing Home Patient Suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia Wanders off and Dies from Impact follow a Truck Accident; VERDICT: $1.48 Million By: Diana Adjadj, Esq. January 22, 2021 Senior abuse is a term referring…

FRAUD I FINANCIAL FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I SENIOR ABUSE – Nursing Home Abuse, Skilled Nursing Facility Neglect and Hospice Abuse

FRAUD I FINANCIAL FRAUD I ELDERLY NEGLECT I SENIOR ABUSE – Nursing Home Abuse, Skilled Nursing Facility Neglect and Hospice Abuse November 27, 2020 What is Senior Abuse and What is Elder Neglect? In the United States more than half a million incidents of elder abuse and elder neglect are…

    Diana Legal