CAR ACCIDENT I RIDESHARE ACCIDENT I UBER I LYFT I PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT I CASE RESULTS – $100,000 Settlement, Initial Offer Without Legal Representation $0 – Wrongful Denial of Coverage [Do I need an attorney?] [Why a lawyer?]

CAR ACCIDENT I RIDESHARE ACCIDENT I UBER I LYFT I PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT I CASE RESULTS – $100,000 Settlement, Initial Offer Without Legal Representation $0 – Wrongful Denial of Coverage [Do I need an attorney?] [Why a lawyer?] January 14, 2020 Following a LYFT or UBER car accident injured parties…

CAR ACCIDENT I UNINSURED DRIVER I PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT – $72,500 Settlement, Initial Offer Without Legal Representation $1,500 [Do I need an attorney?] [Why a lawyer?]

CAR ACCIDENT I UNINSURED DRIVER I PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT – $72,500 Settlement, Initial Offer Without Legal Representation $1,500 [Do I need an attorney?] [Why a lawyer?] October 15, 2019 Following a car accident injured parties often ask themselves: “Do I need an attorney”? “Why a Lawyer”? “Is Self Representation Best?”…

CAR ACCIDENT – What to do when Injured in an Uninsured Accident

CAR ACCIDENT – What to do when Injured in an Uninsured Accident August 7, 2019 Clients often ask what to do when they find themselves injured in an uninsured accident.  In situations where there is an uninsured accident, uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage is essential.  Prior to an…

CAR ACCIDENT – Traffic Collision with an Uninsured Driver, What Can I Do?

CAR ACCIDENT – Traffic Collision with an Uninsured Driver, What Can I Do? June 17, 2019 Being an uninsured driver in California is illegal, however not all drivers are in compliance and many remain uninsured. Despite having state requirements for minimum liability insurance, there are plenty of uninsured drivers in California. …

CAR ACCIDENT – Accident with an Uninsured Driver, What Can I Do?

CAR ACCIDENT – Accident with an Uninsured Driver, What Can I Do? May 7, 2019   All states require that drivers carry a minimum amount of liability insurance, unfortunately, not all drivers comply with this requirement. The Insurance Research Council estimated that 15.2% of all drivers in California were uninsured…

    Diana Legal