FRAUD I BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY – What Fiduciary Duties are Owed? A Fiduciary owes the Duty to use Reasonable Care. What happens if a fiduciary breaches their duty to use Reasonable Care?

FRAUD I BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY – What Fiduciary Duties are Owed? A Fiduciary owes the Duty to use Reasonable Care. What happens if a fiduciary breaches their duty to use Reasonable Care? January 09, 2020 A Fiduciary owes a Duty to Use Reasonable Care A fiduciary is an individual…

FRAUD – Legal Liability for Fraud – Civil Tort for Constructive Fraud or Negligent Misrepresentation

FRAUD – Legal Liability for Fraud – Civil Tort for Constructive Fraud or Negligent Misrepresentation August 27, 2019 A common question is, “What is Fraud”? Civil fraud can arise when a fraudster misrepresents to a fraud victim a material fact.  A fraudster can be liable for constructive fraud or negligent…

FRAUD – Legal Liability for Fraud – Civil Tort for Fraud via False Promise or Promissory Fraud

FRAUD – Legal Liability for Fraud – Civil Tort for Fraud via False Promise or Promissory Fraud August 13, 2019 The most common question we get is: “What is Fraud”? Civil fraud arises when a fraudster commits promissory fraud or fraud via false promise for personal or monetary gain. The…

REAL ESTATE INVESTING – Real Estate Wire Fraud is the Most Common Form of Real Estate Fraud

REAL ESTATE INVESTING – Real Estate Wire Fraud is the Most Common Form of Real Estate Fraud July 10, 2019 Currently one of the biggest threats to real estate investing is real estate wire fraud. The way real estate wire fraud is most commonly carried out, is that a person…

FRAUD – Due Diligence Prior to Investing

FRAUD – Due Diligence Prior to Investing May 01, 2019 One of the best tactics to avoid investment fraud is to preform thorough due diligence prior to entering a transaction.  This leads to the most common question: “What is Due Diligence?”  Due Diligence is an investigation of a potential investment…

    Diana Legal