PLANE CRASH I PRODUCT LIABILITY I CASE STUDY: Flight Instrument Failure Results in Plane Crash

PLANE CRASH I PRODUCT LIABILITY I CASE STUDY: Flight Instrument Failure Results in Plane Crash   July 8, 2021 FLIGHT INSTRUMENT FAILURES Flight instruments are tools located within the airplane cockpit to provide pilots with information and data on the flight itself as well as the condition of the aircraft. Pilots…

AVAIATION LAW I AVAIATION ACCIDENT I PERSONAL INJURY: A Plane Crash resulting from Pilot Error Requires an Aviation Attorney

AVAIATION LAW I AVAIATION ACCIDENT I PERSONAL INJURY: A Plane Crash resulting from Pilot Error Requires an Aviation Attorney January 15, 2021 Pilot error is often found to be the underlying cause of an aviation accident. Aviation accident law encompasses any accident that involves an aircraft, or any form of…

AVIATION LAW I AVIATION ACCIDENT I PERSONAL INJURY: Aviation Law – Regulations, Administrative Compliance and Aviation Accidents

AVIATION LAW I AVIATION ACCIDENT I PERSONAL INJURY: Aviation Law – Regulations, Administrative Compliance and Aviation Accidents January 08, 2021 What is Aviation Law?   Aviation law is not limited to plane accidents or aviation accidents exclusively. Aviation law encompasses all issues affecting aircrafts and airport operations.  Aviation law covers all…

    Diana Legal