Phone: 619-432-5145
SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – Do I need a Slip and Fall Lawyer? June 19, 2020 Following a slip and fall accident, a common question becomes: do I need a “slip and fall lawyer”? In short there is no direct response as every situation is unique; however, we…
PERSONAL INJURY I SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – Did You Slip and Fall on a Wet or Freshly Mopped Floor? February 03, 2020 Commercial establishments (stores, hotels, malls, restaurants, etc…) must keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. The duties and obligations these establishments owe their customers…
PERSONAL INJURY I SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – $2,800,000 Verdict on behalf of Plaintiff in Restaurant Fall resulting from a Failure to Warn – Unreasonably Slippery Tile November 22, 2019 When a restaurant fails to take reasonable precautionary or remedial measures to remove a hazard, such as a…
SLIP AND FALL I PREMISE LIABILITY – Restaurant Fall – Liquid Spill November 21, 2019 Landowners and occupiers such as restaurant owners have an obligation maintain their premise in a reasonable safe condition. Specifically, restaurants have an obligation to warn customers of any dangerous conditions that exist at their store…