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Have you or a loved one suffered from Dupuytren’s Disease and are looking for an attorney to help? Has there been a medical malpractice or liability resulting in post-tramatic Duputren’s disease? Here at Diana Legal, we have experience in bringing justice to those who have suffered from Dupuytren’s Disease and brought justice to the victim.
What is Dupuytren’s Disease, commonly referred to as Contracture?
Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition in which the fingers of the hand bend in towards the palm. It is caused by a thickening of the tough connective tissues in the hand (called fascia) which can lead to the fingers being drawn into the palm.
What causes Dupuytren’s Contracture?
Dupuytren-like thickening of the fascia can be the result of laceration or trauma, but Dupuytren’s itself is the result of genetic predisposition. Between 60 and 70% of all people who suffer from this problem have one or more genetic relatives who have also suffered from it.
What are symptoms of Dupuytren’s contracture?
Dupuytren’s contracture most often presents in its earliest stages as a simple thickening of the fascia of the palm, which causes the palm to feel tough and bumpy. At first, the bumps will be painful, but over time the pain will go away, although the condition will continue to progress. Over time, it will slowly grow to the point that all the fingers are curled into the palm, rendering the hand almost useless. The little and ring fingers are most commonly affected, and the middle finger can be included in some severe cases, but the index finger and thumb are seldom afflicted.
Does Dupuytren’s contracture ever affect the feet or just the hands?
The disease we call Dupuytren’s contracture is specific to the condition as it affects the hands, but there is a similar condition called plantar fibromatosis, or Ledderhose disease, that mimics the symptoms of Dupuytren’s, but in the feet. Both conditions are typified by thickening of the fascia or tissue of the palm of the hand/sole of the foot, and are treated in similar ways, and are believed to stem from related stressors, but no direct relationship between the two diseases has been established. Ledderhose disease is also much rarer than Dupuytren’s contracture, and so much less research has been devoted to the condition, but time may show a more direct relationship.
Again if you or a loved one have suffered a liability from Dupuytren’s disease, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!