IEP I Individualized Education Program I Individualized Education Plan

IEP I Individualized Education Program I Individualized Education Plan By: Diana Adjadj, Esq. July 14, 2023 IEP – Individualized Education Program I Individualized Education Plan IEP: What does IEP mean? An Individualized Education Program or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) describes a plan with specific modifications for a student with disabilities…

SCHOOL BULLYING I Bullied: School District held Liable for Preventable School Bullying

SCHOOL BULLYING  Bullied. School District held Liable for Preventable School Bullying By: Diana Adjadj, Esq. April 5, 2023 Bullies in School School bullying has been an ongoing problem in American schools. In a recent study completed by the U.S. Department of Education, the department asked the question, “how many students…

    Diana Legal